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Trade executions, 4th June 2024

Continuing Evaluation Accounts #

While I continued buying new APEX evaluations today (got a 50k account), I recognize that their low cost can add up quickly if I lose too many.

Bearish Bias and Choppy Market #

Based on yesterday's price action, I had a bearish bias today. I anticipated a price increase followed by a decline. The price did rise, but then ended up in a choppy trading range. Days with news releases at 10:00 AM are very difficult to trade, so I'll avoid using funded or real money accounts on such days.

Learning from Different Account Results #

I ended the day down almost $2k on my funded account, but up $1.5k on the 50k evaluation account (which needs $3k to pass). While I executed similar trades on both accounts, I entered more aggressively on the evaluation account and used a tighter stop on the funded account. I opened short positions only, but price retraced significantly, stopping me out on the funded account while allowing the evaluation account to run.

Increased Losses and New Trading Rules #

I attempted to trade the funded account two more times, unfortunately increasing my losses. To improve my discipline, I'll establish the following daily trading rules:

Today, my attempt at a third trade was unsuccessful.

Looking Ahead #

Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm hoping for clearer price action, especially if the market closes lower today.

ps: I used google gemini to fix and format the sections for me, it is nice :)

NY AM price action for today (June 3rd, 2024)

PNL for today, funded account on top and evals on the bottom