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Hi, I am Delita and I trade NQ

Hello, this is my very first post using this platform. I am Delita (not my real name, of course), a web and crypto smart contract developer, and, also now, a futures trader.

Last year, I started trading futures mainly because of ICT, after learning how to trade, using indicators, building indicators, and tweaking indicators. I decided that SMC (Smart Money Concepts, from ICT) was for me. I've been struggling with prop firms for months now and also deployed some capital to trade my own money on AMP.

I bought this domain back in February, but only today I decided to start writing and journaling my trading journey. "Why today?" you might ask. Because I got humbled hard by the market and by my own lack of discipline. I built up $1500 during the month of May, only to lose over $3000 in this week. I had set up a mental goal to make $500 per week and I was on track for 3 weeks in a row, just to lose everything in 1 day of revenge trading.

On the prop firm front, I am dealing with similar issues. Loads of blown accounts and lots of resets. I got to the stage that I could pass some accounts: 1 50k Topstep, 3 50k MyFundedFutures, and 6 50k APEX. Just to blow them up very quickly because of the similar issues I had this week with my AMP account. At the moment, I have 1 funded 250k APEX account that, in contrast with my other accounts, is doing well. I want to keep doing well and not mess it up like the others.

My goal with this blog is to create 1 post per trading day and show my trades, describe what I was thinking at the moment I took them, and also add a conclusion, a post-thought after the trade finishes.

Welcome to my trading journey!